Sandra Rojas, MD

Anesthesia, Pain Management
  • Address Info :
    Huebner Road @ Medical Center, SA


Dr. Rojas is a Board-Certified Anesthesiologist, Interventional Pain Management Physician, and trained Orthopaedic Hand Surgeon. This specialty training enhances exceptional knowledge with special insights into musculoskeletal, and pain Dr. Rojas is fluent in English and Spanish.

It is Dr. Rojas experience that better outcomes are obtained when the patient is an active participant in their own journey of feeling better and healing. She works closely with the patient and consults with members of the multidisciplinary team, and other specialists to define the best individual course of treatment for each patient. She practices medicine with kindness, compassion with superb bedside manner, extending respect, embracing and encouraging patient’s participation in their care. Dr. Rojas reviews radiological images with the patient as part of in -office treatment assisting in the diagnoses of pain. Dr. Rojas specializes in musculoskeletal, joints, spine pathology and regenerative medicine. Different multimodal therapies are recommended, individualizing treatment.

Non Interventional modalities:
She adds special emphasis on guiding the patient’s awareness in lifestyle, perceptions, emotions, beliefs and feelings are generally related with patient’s pain.

Physical Therapy, Acupuncture, therapeutic massage, TENS unit, chiropractic treatments, biofeedback, meditation, relaxation techniques, gentle Yoga,Tai Chi and nutritional advice.

Dr. Rojas practices Meditation on a regular basis, Gentle Yoga and loves spending time in contact with nature and Family.

Pharmacological: mainly non opiate medications, and opiates for indicated cases.

Interventional Modalities: under X rays, fluoroscopy or Ultrasound guidance, including:

  • Spinal injections (Epidural, facet blocks, Radiofrequency ablation).
  • Joint injections.
  • Spinal Cord Stimulation.
  • Regenerative Medicine Procedures, such as Platelet Rich Plasma therapy, Stem Cells, exosomes.

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