Back Pain


Orthopedic Surgeons and Physical Therapists Located in San Antonio and South Texas

Minimally Invasive Q & A

Back Pain Q & A What Triggers Back Pain? Back pain can emerge anywhere along your spine but is frequently experienced in the lower back, which bears the weight of your upper body. The spine, responsible for supporting your weight, is designed to bend and twist, making it susceptible to injuries and degenerative changes. Muscle strain often causes back pain, especially when lifting heavy objects or making sudden twisting motions. Factors like being overweight and prolonged sitting exert additional pressure on your back, and with aging, this pressure leads to degenerative changes, resulting in chronic back pain. Common causes of back pain include:
  1. Overuse and overactivity
  2. Herniated disc
  3. Disc degeneration
  4. Degenerative spondylolisthesis
  5. Spinal stenosis
  6. Muscle injury
  7. Spinal injury
  8. Compression fracture from osteoporosis
When Should You Consult a Doctor for Back Pain? Back pain symptoms vary, ranging from sharp, dull, or stabbing sensations to cramps. In some cases, back pain worsens with activity but improves when lying down. Regardless of the symptoms, reach out to the South Texas Spinal Clinic team if back pain hinders normal activities, especially if it persists for weeks or is accompanied by a fever or unexpected weight loss. How is Back Pain Managed? While back pain can be debilitating, it’s crucial to maintain as much activity as possible. The South Texas Spinal Clinic team collaborates with you to reduce inflammation and alleviate pain through various therapies:
  1. Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation: Physical therapists employ passive and active methods to relieve pain, strengthen your back, and enhance mobility. This includes exercises, heat, ice, ultrasound, massage, and electrical stimulation.
  2. Medications: Prescription and over-the-counter medications may ease inflammation and pain. The doctors at South Texas Spinal Clinic may also use epidural steroid injections and nerve blocks for certain cases of back pain.
  3. Surgery: Surgical intervention is considered when other treatments prove ineffective. Minimally invasive procedures can address compression fractures, while surgeries like lumbar laminectomy and lumbar microendoscopic discectomy may treat a ruptured disc or nerve compression.

Common Back and Spine Conditions

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